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Master Program Linguistics


Who to Contact

Before you contact the study advisor, please consult the FAQ section. If you are sure you could not find an answer there or anywhere else on our website, please check first who to contact. If you have a question about...


If you have a question about...
a course

Course instructor. You can find their contact details in the course catalogue

a module Module coordinator and/or the course instructor. You can find their contact details in the  course catalogue
the MA program Study
the UZH's framework regulations Student Services at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
your application or admissions process Admissions Office. Please be aware that you can always see the status of your application in your UZH application portal

Study Advisor

Lorena Schneider
Study Advisor and Program Coordinator
Monomaster Linguistics
LiZZ - Linguistik Zentrum Zürich
Available: Mon, Tue, Thu


Please include your full name and your matriculation number (if applicable). If you have a question about a particular module, please include the module title and number for reference (e.g. "Language Data Processing (06SM271-518)").

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