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The Master Program Linguistics allows students to apply for admission to the teacher training program (Lehrdiplom für Maturitätsschulen) given the following requirements are met:
The details for the fachwissenschaftliche Voraussetzungen are regulated in Anhang of the Studienordnung zum Studiengang "Lehrdiplom für Maturitätsschulen".
Fremdsprachenaufenthalt / Stay Abroad:
Students have to have completed the study abroad requirement (6 months or 26 weeks, with max. 1 interruption). The study abroad stay must be completed before starting with Fachdidaktik.
For more information specific to the teaching subjects, please see the relevant pages of the individual departments and download the Studienordnung über das «Lehrdiplom für Maturitätsschulen»
Englisches Seminar (for English)
Romanisches Seminar (for French, Italian, Spanish, and Romansh)
Please note that the language of instruction at the Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften (IfE) is German. If German is not your first language, you must be able to prove that you either have the necessary language skills in German or that you are taking German lessons at the time of your application.
It is the student's responsibility to ensure that they obtain the necessary credits from the relevant focus area to fulfill the academic requirements for their teaching subject. More detailed information on which modules can be credited to the teaching subject can be obtained from the academic advisors.
The study program coordinators / academic advisors of the individual teaching subjects are listed below. General questions concerning the Lehrdiplom should be directed to the study advisors of the Abteilung Lehrdiplom.
Teaching Subject |
Academic Advisor |
English | Martin Mühlheim |
Russian | Gianna Frölicher |
Spanish | Jasmine Giovanelli |
Italian | Christian Seidl |
French | Christian Seidl |
German | Jennifer Baden |
In addition to the in-house modules of the individual teaching subjects, the module "Linguistische Analysekategorien" of the Master Program Linguistics (Module No. 271-528) can be credited to the respective subject. It is taught every spring semester.
More information on the Lehrdiplom program can be found at
The next Studieninformationstage are taking place on Wednesday, 4. September and Thusrday, 5. September 2024.
The study program Lehrdiplom für Maturitätsschulen will also be there with a booth and a presentation.