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Master Program Linguistics

Withdrawal from Assessment or Deadline Extension

Process to withdraw from an assessment

It is possible to apply for a withdrawal from assessment (e.g. in case of illness). 

  1. Inform the instructor(s) and module coordinator in writing of any reasons why you are unable to attend, at the latest by the day of the examination or the day of the submission deadline.

  2. CC the program coordinator:

  3. Submit a request for withdrawal 5 working days after said examination/submission date. You can do this in the student portal under "My requests". The request is only valid with supporting documents (e.g. doctor's certificate). 

    • Please note that the doctor's note has to include: date, address, inability to work (in percentage), duration of inability to work (date from-to), signature, stamp. 

  4. We will also inform you of the decision (approval or rejection) in the student portal. You will receive an e-mail notification when we have processed your request.

For assessments that extend over a longer period of time (e.g. seminar papers), an extension of the deadline may be considered. In this case, please contact the instructor before the submission deadline. If a request is approved, the submission deadline for the seminar paper is extended by the number of days of the 100% impediment.

More information and the legal basis for withdrawal from assessments can be found here: Modules and Exams. Please read this information carefully!

Master Thesis Deadline Extension

The maximum extension for a Master's thesis deadline is 1 month. In principle, the duration of the extension depends on the duration of the prevention. If the prevention was longer and 1 month is not enough, this can justify a cancellation of the MA thesis module. However, the new MA thesis must the be written on a new topic. Deadline extension requests need to be submitted at the latest on the day of the original thesis submission date (see §20.3 StO).

How to proceed: 

  1. Inform your thesis supervisor about your wish to extend the thesis submission deadline. Make sure that they agree to the new deadline and are able to grade your thesis in time. The latest possible deadline with extension are: 
    • July 1 for the spring semester
    • January 1 for the autumn semester
  2. Contact your program coordinator ( with the corresponding documents (e.g. doctor's note). Please note that the doctor's note has to include: date, address, inability to work (in percentage), duration of inability to work (date from-to), signature, stamp. 

If your request is approved, the new submission date is binding. You cannot extend an already extended deadline again. Any such request will be treated the same way as a request for withdrawal from assessment.

For questions regarding withdrawal or deadline extension, please contact the program coordination.

Failing an assessment

Core (P, Pflichtmodul) and core-elective (WP, Wahlpflichtmodul) modules can be repeated once and the failed attempt will not show in your final diploma. Elective (W, Wahlmodul) modules can only be repeated if they are offered again in a later semester. 

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