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Master Program Linguistics


Quantitative Methods (06SM271-516)

For the module "Quantitative Methods" the following knowledge of high school mathematics is required and has to be solid:

  • Concept of spaces / number systems (e.g.,natural, rational and real numbers)
  • Basic Functions: Linear, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic function
  • Differential Calculus: Extreme values, derivatives, integrals
  • Linear Algebra: Vectors, vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices, dot (scalar) product
  • Probability Theory: Random variables, probability distributions (uniform, binomial, normal, exponential), joint and marginal distributions

Please make sure that you are adequately prepared for this module. 

Note for German speaking students: The Institute of Mathematics offers a "Vorkurs Mathematik für Natur- und Sozialwissenschaften" (in German) starting mid-August. For students who need to refresh their high school mathematics knowledge, this pre-course is highly recommended.
For more information, click here.

We are currently working on providing English materials and subtitles for the podcasts. Please keep an eye on this page.

Programming for Linguists (271-518b)

 In the course "Programming for Linguists" (part of the module "Language Data Processing") Python is taught as programming language. Although it is taught from scratch, absolute beginners may want to prepare themselves by doing a Python tutorial. We recommend the following Python tutorial (chapters 1-12): Python for Everybody (PY4E)